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Choose the path that makes for the best story

       Many human activities have shielded us from the two basic truths about human existence. The first being that we all are operating on a limited and undefined amount of time. Some people live a 100, 30, 59 years and so on. The second being that in this unlimited number of time we have an unlimited number of choices and opportunities on how to use our time. The opportunities we choose to focus on and put our energy into and our choice of these opportunities will ultimately define our lives.

       I am of the opinion that we as humans have control over our destiny, we have control over what life gives us. Nobody was born to live a mediocre life neither was anybody born to live a life of luxury. Yes, there are so many factors that influence our destiny, an example is our hereditary background but irrespective of that, we are who we are today as a result of the various choices we make on a daily basis. Life is full of the application of opportunity cost which is why when we make choose to use a particular opportunity we are passing up several other opportunities. When I decide to throw in the towel, I am passing up the opportunity of being the champ. As a result, a series of bad choices i.e a series of choosing the wrong opportunities only gets you on the wrong path and that's all what destiny is all about. The word "destiny" comes from a concept in the Latino culture called "destina". "Destina" concerns the idea that each one of us has a true path that we are born to take. Destiny is not the place you end up but the path that you follow all your life. Each one us has a unique path we are meant to follow, not a place we are going to end up plus its all about the unique experiences we all have while living.


Joseph Campbell had this to say
 I think that what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. 
Often people realize this when they are old because they just stumble through the journey of living, learning the hard way before eventually discovering what matters. What if you could discover your best story when you are still young? I am no career mentor or coach or expert but I definitely know what a best story feels like by studying people who designed their lives to their taste and achieved incredible success. Here are a few things I discovered by studying the stories of these successful people.
  • It is always complicated, never easy, requires patience and persistence.
  • It is always incredibly rewarding so go open those bank accounts.
  • It looks crazy to those around you or those trying to make sense of your story. Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream that no one can see but you.
  • It is achieved through persistent soul-searching. Your direction does not fall in your lap, so don't waste another moment, create an inner compass and find it yourself
  • It surely takes time. A miner doesn't find gold in a couple of minutes.
  • It resonates with your passion, your strengths and your deepest obsessions. It gives you a deep sense of fulfillment plus you find happiness.
  • It is similar to your values. For instance if you like finding out or telling/defending the truth, you may find out your best story in being a lawyer or a philosopher.   

Here is an excerpt from my Journal:

I have my own persona with a unique and specific set of circumstances that have impacted my life, my thinking and my beliefs. Because I claim to know better what is best for me and have refused to follow the path that others have taken, I have been called foolish, mad and having an uncanny attitude. It has only improved my resolve to stay focused on what is important and best for me. This is only a small price to pay for my freedom to be and to choose for myself. However, at the end of the day, it is invigorating and empowering to know that I control my life.
At the end of the journey, it is the choices that I make in my life that will take me to a very successful place. This is the place where I experience the fulfillment of knowing that I arrived here only because I elected it.
Other times, my choices may take me through a path of tears and disappointments. In spite of the outcome not being the expected joyful one, I shall upon reflection feel fulfilled. More often than not, when I evaluate the choices I make and the paths I take, I shall conclude that I am still at a successful place because the learning process I endure will make me a far better person. Even in these instances, I am fulfilled because the choice is mine.

In the same manner, you have control over your life. Don't allow others to dictate the path you must follow. Don't permit others' disenchantment to become yours, and blind you to the power that lies within you which will direct your life to true fulfillment. Don't let others' fears limit your potential and don't let your fears limit your potential.

Stand on your own feet and make decisions based on what you feel, and what you need to accomplish in your life. You need to have patience, perseverance and always keep in mind that your life is unique, your purpose is unique, and you are unique. Focus on these things while choosing the right path in your life.

What is important is how you feel about yourself. You have control over your life. Don’t blame others. You have the power to change your life at any time and turn your worries into wisdom.
Live each moment in the service of a meaningful purpose. Free yourself from the constant demands of your ego, practice to quiet your mind to be your very best. Challenges are the stepping stones on your journey to help you grow. Look for the positive side of things. You tell yourself a story inside your head every day. Make sure to tell the right one, the one that will help you get what you do want in life. Give yourself permission to follow the path that makes you happy. Remember to celebrate the blessings surrounding you and how far you’ve come, rather than focusing of what’s still left to be done. The best you can do in life is follow your heart. Take risks. The people who can see how beautiful your heart is will never leave you.

In my personal opinion the right path leaves you with no regrets and no doubts, eventually leading you to a purpose in your life.

Good luck my friends.


Choose the path that makes for the best story Choose the path that makes for the best story Reviewed by Unknown on July 24, 2017 Rating: 5

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